Parent Survey 2024
We received fabulous support from parents/carers as we made our transition to a new temporary staffing structure as some of our staff went on leave/retired. Responses were positive in all areas, however we appreciate that the short opening times on Fridays are not ideal, but the decision to hold off opening this session for now has been driven by staffing over the last year+
We will continue to work on this though as the situation becomes more stable going forward.
Parent Survey 2023
We received very positive responses this year with a possible area for development being our opening hours.
Parent Survey 2022
We received a good number of responses this year having moved over to a Google survey format. Responses were very positive, particularly about the outside Parent Board, with some suggestions for improvements including;
- Now the pandemic restrictions are over, having more drop in sessions and parent help sessions.
- Trips to local events.
- More details about what children have been doing.
Parent Survey 2021
We received very positive feedback regarding our communication with parents/carers over the pandemic. Some useful suggestions for improvements included;
- Using Google Forms for Parent Surveys. We have added this to our Action Plan for this year.
- Making the EYFS information more accessible electronically. We have added this to our Action Plan for this year.
Parent Survey 2020
The pandemic meant that we had fewer replies than usual this year, but those received were positive. Parents/carers particularly enjoyed the Nature Walks
Parent Survey 2019
Many thanks to parents/carers who completed a survey. We were delighted with the positive comments
How have we responded to suggestions?
- Comments were extremely positive. We continue to work on opportunities for parents/carers to attend special events and have really valued your attendance and commitment to them
- We have updated the links on the website and continue to add information such a news letters
- We are now writing on the board above the drawers during each session, so you can see what we have been doing together
- We are further updating the parent notice board with information about the Early Years Foundation Stage (more information can be found at ).